01_BadgesPage1.jpg 02_BadgesPage2.jpg 03_BadgesPage3.jpg 04_ShapesPage1.jpg 05_ShapesPage2.jpg 06_ShapesPage3.jpg 07_ShapesPage4.jpg 08_IconsPage1.jpg 09_IconsPage2.jpg 10_IconsPage3.jpg 11_SamplePage1.jpg 12_SamplePage2.jpg 13_SamplePage3.jpg 14_SamplePage4.jpg 15_SamplePage5.jpg 16_SamplePage6.jpg 17_SamplePage7.jpg 18_SamplePage8.jpg 19_SamplePage9.jpg 20_SamplePage10.jpg 21_SamplePage11.jpg 22_SamplePage12.jpg
NEWS! Make sure to check out our latest web decors pack:
IMPORTANT Note: Check screenshots to see the elements in actual size.
Learn how a collection can last a lifetime !
Having an archive of useful button templates, you’re not limited to single pack choices and KeywordButtons. Having a template enables you to:- DYNAMIC COLLECTION Create various buttons on your current and future tasks
- 400+ PRESET BUTTONS seen on screenshots are ready to use.
- EDIT IN SECONDS: Enjoy working with separated PSDs with handy LayerFolders, named conveniently.
- ALWAYS DIFFERENT, ALWAYS ORIGINAL.Have Icons which looks like no other buttons out there. Users with different flavours, Expertise and time will generate their own buttons in seconds
- SCALE TO THE DEATH ! Thanks to Photoshop’s Shape-Layers you can extremely scale ( up or down ), rotate, skew, distort and .. free of boring bitmap issues. Icons, shapes and badges will recreate themselves after transform.
- USE AS INDEPENDENT ASSETSUse icons and badges independently in your works.
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That’s why you won’t need any other button pack for the rest your life.