
Watercolor Scene Mockups

Watercolor Scene Mockups

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Check out Version 1 of my Cinematic 3D Movie Mockups

Watercolor Scene Mockups

Realistic Watercolor Scenes effect easy for you to make with this Mockups.
Easy to change the colors of the Materials. br/>Get them now and make your Watercolor Text easy with a Smart Object

What’s in the pakage?

  • 5x – PSD files with Smart Objects – 2020×1500 pixels
  • Works great in 300Dpi!! Instructions in the Helpfile
  • The Watercolor effect is made in SMART OBJECT – very easy to change the tekst, font and size
  • Help file with all instructions and fonts!
  • Very organized layers with groups easy to move and close
Insignias in preview used by mining


Check out my styles or other styles and 3D!


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