Draftum – the only sketch plugin you’ll ever need!
Years experience in development of sketch actions allowed us to create most powerful and largest sketch toolkit on the market – all in one sketch generator. Convert photo into sketch styles with Draftum in a minutes.
Unique Sketch Fine Turning System (SFTS) and Sketch Presets gives you opportunity to create sketches of any detailization, complexity and style: Classic Sketch, Archi Sketch, Urban Sketch, Portrait Sketch, Watercolor Sketch, Tech Sketch, Mixed Sketch, Quick Sketch, Logo Sketch, Blueprint Sketch etc.
1. Plugin works only in Photoshop versions since CC2015.5
2. Plugin needs Oil Paint filter in Photoshop for correct work
Draftum Tutorials
Main features overview
Sketch Presets
Сhoose one of 10 popular sketch presets (like Urban Sketch or Archi Sketch) for instant
styling of your sketch in accordance with preset.
Use sliders of Sketch Fine Turning System (SFTS) to get unique and highly detailed result.
Combination options are virtually limitless.
Smart Tools (only CEP version)
Use unique «Smart Brush» and «Smart Eraser» buttons for improving sketch results
(restore or erase details) with taking into account sketch style.
Draftum Updates
August, 2023
- UXP Plugin now!!! Next level of Photoshop Plugin evolution - Natively compatible with M1 MAC Apple Silicon (no Rosetta needed) - One file / one click installation (Creative Cloud needed) - Smart optimization of image settings - Soft refactoring of main algorithm
January, 2021
1. Adapted for Photoshop CC2021 (22.1 version) 2. Plugin installer optimized
July, 2020
1. Changed the logic of working with brushes and patterns 2. Optimized and improved plugin algorithm and structure
October, 2019
1. Now multilingual! Draftum works great with any language Photoshop since CC2015. 2. Algorithm optimized. Small bugs fixed. Now plugin works more faster and correctly.
Profactions Support
If you have any questions or need help with Profactions actions, please firstly ensure you have viewed Helper.txt file with instructions and reccomendations (you can find it in each action archive) and watched video tutorials on Profactions Youtube cannel.
If you are still having issues or questions, please email to profactions@gmail.com or send message on Profactions Facebook page. Everyday our actions buy a lot of people. But a very few people of them face any little problems. And be sure, we solve these customer’s questions in 100% of cases.
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